
Showing posts from October, 2017

Does your tap water taste metallic?

Is your tap water cloudy?

Cloudy Tap Water Is this what your tap water looks like? Sucks doesn't it!? Well the good news is there is a solution, and it doesn't involve you having to go to the shops to buy countless supplies of bottled water! (Yes, I've been there...) Cloudy tap water can be caused by a few different things: . The difference in pressure between the water in the pipes and the water in the glass - the high water pressure in the pipes creates this cloudy water effect. Water under pressure holds a lot of air. . Air bubbles in the water - once these bubbles have rised to the surface of the water they escape and the cloudiness goes away. . The temperature outside - the colder it is the more likely you will have cloudy water, this is because cold water holds more air than warm water, and more air equals more of those bubbles. The good news is that cloudy tap water is completely harmless. You can simply let your water sit for a few minutes after being poured and the cloudy effect sho